Learn How to Login to Weebly Site (Step By Step Process) - W3speedup

Learn How to Login to Weebly Site (Step By Step Process)

Learn How to Login to Weebly Site

Login into the Weebly site has become a hassle for many users and you are also struggling to log in to your Weebly site. There are multiple ways you can log in to your Weebly account using different platforms.

In this article, we will explain all possible ways in the step-by-step process of how to login to Weebly site and you can choose the one that allows you to log in to your site.

Weebly Account and Weebly Site

Weebly.com website allows you to host 10 websites within a single account. You can create a free or premium site and choose to have multiple accounts if needed. Once you’re logged in to your account, you will have your dashboard to manage everything on your site from editing to adding content. It’s a two-step process before you have your Weebly editor.

In case your Weebly site is hosted on paid hosting platforms, you can directly log in to an individual site from their hosting platform.

3 Ways Login to Weebly Site Account

Since Weebly offers different platforms, you can choose to login in using any of the following options:

1. Login to the Weebly.com Account

Start by clicking on login if you have an account on the weebly.com website. Go ahead in the process by choosing the account login options available. There is an option for merging your account with the square account. Follow the below process to know how to log in to your weebly.com account.

  • Go to the weebly.com website and click on the “log in” button.
  • You will come across multiple options to choose from using social accounts or email/usernames.
  • If you have Facebook, Google, or Square account, you can use them to log in. This will take you to your social login page of the corresponding website. Fill up your login details there (username & password) and you’ll be able to get access or log in Weebly dashboard.
  • If you are using email, enter your username and click the “next” button.
  • This will take you to the next page where you need to enter your password and click the “Login” button. Note: If you forget your password, click on the “Forgot Password?” link to get the password reset link in your account email.
  • When you’ve successfully logged in, you will land on the Weebly account dashboard.
  • Click on the site name showing on the left side just below the Weebly icon to open all the sites available in your account. Now, click the “edit” button to go to the Weebly editor.
  • Weebly editor comes with drag and drops elements to allow you to add and create content. To return back to your dashboard, click on the close (x) icon showing in the top left corner to close the editor.
  • Click on your site name showing on the top right corner of the screen and select the “Sign out” option to log out of your Weebly account.

Key Points:

  • Weebly login page URL will show something like https://www.weebly.com/app/front-door/signin?path=login#/. However, you can use a simple URL like https://www.weebly.com/login to access the page.
  • The login page is protected with Google reCAPTCHA version 3. If you belong to a country Google services are blocked like China, you won’t be able to access the login page. Also, you need to disable VPN or proxy that blocks Google captcha services for protecting your privacy.
  • You don’t need a separate login for each site in your account.

2. Login to Weebly using Square Account

Login to Weebly using Square Account

You’ll get a notification email from Weebly to create a square account and replace it with your Weebly account. Otherwise, you won’t be able to access the account and edit your websites. Take a look at the notification message below indicating the deadline.

  • Start with signing up to create a new account. If you have an existing account, then you can use that with Weebly without the need to create a new account.
  • When you are on the Weebly login page, click the “login with square” button.
  • Enter your login details for the square account to log in to the Weebly site.

3. Login to the Weebly Through Hosting Account

Another easy way to login to your Weebly site is through hosting accounts such as siteground, Bluehost, HostGator, or other paid hosting accounts. They offer Weebly as a reseller service using the Weebly cloud. The login process is based on the hosting company you use.

All you need to do is to log in to your hosting account and select the site you want to edit to go to the Weebly editor. With Siteground and Hostgator, you will directly login to the Weebly editor without going to the dashboard for your site to manage the content.

4. Login to Other Weebly Platforms

Apart from the Weebly.com website, Weebly offers several other platforms for designers, education, reseller, and affiliates. Learn the process of login to these platforms: 

  • Designers – Go to the Weebly designers website and click on the “sign in” button. Enter your email and password to log in to your account.
  • Education – Formerly known as Weebly education is now retired and accounts of the teachers are converted to the free weebly.com platform. As we’ve explained the login process for the weebly.com account, you need to follow that. Unfortunately, students’ websites within the teacher’s account will be disabled hence you need to move them to separate accounts to look for migrating to other platforms.
  • Reseller – if you have a reseller account on your own, then you can use the Weebly cloud login page to go to your account.
  • Affiliate Login – Weebly has also been giving opportunities to its affiliates to make money through the ShareASale affiliate marketplace by promoting Weebly. Simply, go to the ShareASale website and sign up for a new account. Login to your Weebly affiliate account and track the earnings after getting approval from Weebly.


What is Weebly used for?

Weebly is a free easy-to-use site builder. It comes with great customization features to create and publish attractive, responsive design sites, blogs, and online stores using themes and stored quality photos.

How much does it cost to make a website on Weebly?

Weebly offers three paid plans and one free plan to create a website. To make a basic site, you can use its free plan. Connect plan costs $10/month to let you connect a custom domain. The Professional plan costs $12/month and is recommended for groups and organizations for making the site appear more professional. Also, the Business plan is $25/month for small businesses and stores to get the most advanced features. 

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